Thursday, August 20, 2009

thunder! lightning! the wind outside is so damned frightning, but it's alright, stand clear! we're livin' through the hurricane years....

my sincere apologies to alice cooper for my mangling of the title.

so there were major storms and hail this evening- even a tornado warning.
our sandwich board fell over during the first round of storms- so i went out into the rain and set it back up.
steve, (my husband- i haven't told you his name yet, but there it is!) came down to relieve me at 5pm...when i got back up here (second floor of the warehouse) my dear sweet 10 year old laptop was on the blink, and then the tv in the bedroom was.

happily, the laptop has recovered. the tv- maybe not.

the tv was one my dad gave me years ago- we got a digital converter box and an antenna for it.
the one in the kitchen is a Hannukah gift from dad- a flat-screen HD tv with a built in dvd player.
we added a digital antenna and some computer speakers, as my hearing is not what it once was.
(hey folks- when your dad says "you're wearing headphones! the volume does not NEED to be that high!" please listen- because he's right. irritatingly so, but he is.)
i'm thinking that there will soon be a swap between the bedroom and the kitchen.

it's still humid and disgusting, but as my computer is limited to the outside of the bedroom, i'm stuck outside of the bedroom for now.

also, i totally screwed up the time and date thingy- and no, i don't know my password to fix it. just called steve, and HE doesn't know the password.
argh, blargh, fail.

if i had some sausage, some sage, some puff pastry and some peaches, i would make my lovely and delicious "sausage en croute with peach coulis". alas, i do not. but, it is wonderful, and i shall soon give you all the recipe for it! did you know that i may have an actual "office" soon?
it is next to the door to the fire escape, there is little light and no ventilation, but it could be my very own place to put my cookbooks and garden stuff...we'll see!!!

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