Thursday, August 27, 2009

bills, brothers and bar mitzvahs

well, i got in touch with my brother the night before last. turns out, it was all good. he was basically calling to wish steve and i a happy anniversary, and talk about plans for all of us getting together, maybe in november. so, i've been blissfully whiling time away by designing a menu and finding recipes for appetizers. unfortunately, the books i have recently been scouring are from the library, so no simple "put in a bookmark, write down the name of the food and page number and go back when i need it"...i've simply been copying everything out longhand.

bills- argh! our cell phones have been shut off. we had been planning to go to a very special bar mitzvah tomorrow evening. it is for a friend who is older than us. he grew up in soviet russia, and was not allowed to practice judaism there. he officially converted some time back, about two years ago, now. so tomorrow night is very special for him! unfortunately, due to the bills issue, it will probably be only one of us who will make it- the other will need to stay here in the shop in case any much needed customers roll in and want to buy. i'm thinking that i will be the one to go- since i open the shop and hate staying late.

i am currently awaiting some friends to come by- they have a pressure canner that they don't use and are going to bring for me and my garden! i can't wait to be able to can stuff on my own! hopefully, i won't blow anything up!

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