Thursday, August 27, 2009

bills, brothers and bar mitzvahs

well, i got in touch with my brother the night before last. turns out, it was all good. he was basically calling to wish steve and i a happy anniversary, and talk about plans for all of us getting together, maybe in november. so, i've been blissfully whiling time away by designing a menu and finding recipes for appetizers. unfortunately, the books i have recently been scouring are from the library, so no simple "put in a bookmark, write down the name of the food and page number and go back when i need it"...i've simply been copying everything out longhand.

bills- argh! our cell phones have been shut off. we had been planning to go to a very special bar mitzvah tomorrow evening. it is for a friend who is older than us. he grew up in soviet russia, and was not allowed to practice judaism there. he officially converted some time back, about two years ago, now. so tomorrow night is very special for him! unfortunately, due to the bills issue, it will probably be only one of us who will make it- the other will need to stay here in the shop in case any much needed customers roll in and want to buy. i'm thinking that i will be the one to go- since i open the shop and hate staying late.

i am currently awaiting some friends to come by- they have a pressure canner that they don't use and are going to bring for me and my garden! i can't wait to be able to can stuff on my own! hopefully, i won't blow anything up!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

phone calls and iced tea

i am really, really tired, even though i think i slept enough. i bought an arizona iced tea, maybe if i drink it quickly, it will help wake me up.
anyway. i apparantly missed a phone call last night- 2, actually. i must have been in the kitchen when they were made because i never heard my phone ring. this morning, i saw that there was a voicemail, and figured it was cvs calling to remind me about one of my many prescriptions. so i ignored it until i got down to to open the shop.
they were from my youngest brother.
the one i've spoken to only once in 7 years.
and now i'm worried about it-
why was he calling? i called him two weeks ago to wish him a happy anniversary, (he got married a few weeks before me, last year.) is that why?
is it something to do with the woman who gave birth to me, the one i haven't spoken to in 10 years? i hope not.
he did say that he wanted to wish me a happy anniversary...(steve and will be having our one-year wedding anniversary on august 31st.) but he also asked me to call back.

i hope that the worry and fear in my mind are unfounded.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

it's not pms, it's ms. maybe just m.

good evening, everyone!
my belly is aching and crampy, but there are always good things to be happy about.
last night, my friend don brought me a present. well, actually three....a butcher knife, a huge all purpose knife, and a serrated bread knife. they are beautiful!
i can't wait to use them! it's still icky muggy- the humidity is around 286%, i'm sure. so- no massive real cooking for a while.
i've been thinking about it constantly, as well as the garden that i am planning for next year. i was just re-reading "the shell seekers" by rosamunde pilcher, the woman is wonderful!
anyway- the easiest roux you'll ever make, and the only one you'll really need....
first, nuke some butter so that it's soft, but not runny and separated.
second, take whatever starch you will be using, (flour, cornstarch, powdered potato) and stir it in until it's all combined and not lumpy. this is surprisingly easy to do.
third- you can either use it at this point, or refrigerate it.
doesn't matter which- you could probably freeze it, as well, but i've never tried that.

and that, as they say, is that!!
very easy, and works really well.
don't bother with measuring- make a lot, and just use what you need.

i should have the ads back up soon- seems my husband used adsense in the past, but never closed the account. he also kept the window closed today, so the bedroom is cool and comfortable! <3>

Thursday, August 20, 2009

thunder! lightning! the wind outside is so damned frightning, but it's alright, stand clear! we're livin' through the hurricane years....

my sincere apologies to alice cooper for my mangling of the title.

so there were major storms and hail this evening- even a tornado warning.
our sandwich board fell over during the first round of storms- so i went out into the rain and set it back up.
steve, (my husband- i haven't told you his name yet, but there it is!) came down to relieve me at 5pm...when i got back up here (second floor of the warehouse) my dear sweet 10 year old laptop was on the blink, and then the tv in the bedroom was.

happily, the laptop has recovered. the tv- maybe not.

the tv was one my dad gave me years ago- we got a digital converter box and an antenna for it.
the one in the kitchen is a Hannukah gift from dad- a flat-screen HD tv with a built in dvd player.
we added a digital antenna and some computer speakers, as my hearing is not what it once was.
(hey folks- when your dad says "you're wearing headphones! the volume does not NEED to be that high!" please listen- because he's right. irritatingly so, but he is.)
i'm thinking that there will soon be a swap between the bedroom and the kitchen.

it's still humid and disgusting, but as my computer is limited to the outside of the bedroom, i'm stuck outside of the bedroom for now.

also, i totally screwed up the time and date thingy- and no, i don't know my password to fix it. just called steve, and HE doesn't know the password.
argh, blargh, fail.

if i had some sausage, some sage, some puff pastry and some peaches, i would make my lovely and delicious "sausage en croute with peach coulis". alas, i do not. but, it is wonderful, and i shall soon give you all the recipe for it! did you know that i may have an actual "office" soon?
it is next to the door to the fire escape, there is little light and no ventilation, but it could be my very own place to put my cookbooks and garden stuff...we'll see!!!

maximum rescue!

well, i had a sale today- which was good, because i've only had two people in!

she was a very nice lady, and she was looking for maxfield parrish. well, his pictures. i have none in the shop, because i only own one print. i got it when i was 19 and it has a beautiful frame. so, i tell her about it, tell her that it's upstairs, and i could bring it down for her. i quoted her a price, asked her to guard the shop from robbers, (she was cool about it- said she'd use the cast iron birdbath to brain 'em, and then she'd stuff them in the closet for me) and ran upstairs to get it.
blech! it needed to be cleaned, so after i showed it to her, (she had her checkbook out when i came down, i think i'm in love!) did a good wipe down, bagged it up, and off she went!

she seemed so happy with it, and i'm glad... i like talking to the people who come in, but i especially like when they leave with something they really wanted. if i had the money, i'd love to just give gifts all day long.

the window is open again, the ac off. i refuse to growl about it, but i am considering getting the drill gun out and screwing the window shut...

i want fall to be here already, so i can cook again! stuffed pork chops, cream of sweet potato soup, bread from scratch, potatoes anna and mushrooms in every shape and size!
i'm considering making a sauteed mushroom and onion topping for steak, and finishing it with demi-glace and a wee bit more butter.
oh, and turnips! i have a recipe for them which will either convert or confuse any turnip hater!

i'm feeling happier than i did yesterday. the weatherpeople are saying that the humidity and mugginess may be swept away this weekend. i sincerely hope so, because i have some potatoes that are slightly mushy that need gotten rid of...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

does humidity help lancaster pennsylvania?

i seriously do not know.
this is the end (?) of the first, and possibly only, heatwave here in 2009.
no one knows if it's the end, because our weatherpeople do not know. they just say things like "muggy heat will continue into the weekend", and "there is a possibility of storms for the rest of the week".
i could do this, and i will, for less money, if anyone would let me. "it's looking like the hours between 10am and 2pm will be lit by the sun. back to you, jim."
(yes, i know the difference between the guy that just reports what's on the map, and the lady who is a meteorologist, but right now, i honestly don't care. it's too muggy to care.)
either way, the humidity can be measured by what i call "the wax paper factor".
i look at the trees that are scattered across a block into the west.
if it's really, really, really humid, it looks like there's a piece of wax paper between us.
"sorta" humid is if you were capable of slicing a piece of said paper through the middle, maybe make it as thin as rice paper. that would be less humid looking. but it's still called the wax paper whatever, because i thought of that first.

i'm trying to not think about how hot it is here in the shop, (i own, along with my husband, an antique shop. which means i'm here all of the time, and he's not.) and how i've had two people in all day and no sales. oh, and how i'm stuck here for another hour and a half. oh, and how my husband opened up the bedroom window again after my asking, and then telling him not to, because that's the only room in this warehouse with air-conditioning, and now it's all bloody humid again, and it will be when i get upstairs.

wth? did his brain melt? i know that my tolerance has...pms never melts, it just makes you feel angry while you're crying and thinking stupid things, like "i feel like dying. no, wait...why would i want to die? i want to beat HIS nose in, and eat some ice cream, and have a few white russians, then i'll feel better." but, no sales = no white russians f0r k8. and it's still humid.